Pavilion of the Future, Ukraine 2024 : With Beating Hearts

Co-organised with the Ukrainian Institut

Pavilion of the Future, Ukraine 2024 : With Beating Hearts

The project “Pavilion of the Future, Ukraine 2024: With Beating Hearts” is implemented by La Manufacture and the Ukrainian Institute with the support of the IZOLYATSIA Foundation, Trans Europe Halles, and Malý Berlín and co-funded by the ZMINA: Rebuilding programme, created with the support of the European Union as part of a special call for proposals to support Ukrainian displaced persons and the Ukrainian cultural and creative sectors. Caligula will be performed with the support of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation within the framework «European Renaissance of Ukraine» project. Its content is the exclusive responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation.

This program aims to give voice to Ukrainian artists in France and Europe during the war period following the large-scale Russian invasion on February 24, 2022. It also seeks to envisage and create conditions for long-term support in the artistic field between Avignon and Ukraine. This pavilion presents two Ukrainian shows premiering outside Ukraine and a Franco-Ukrainian creation, descriptions of which you can find in our program:

Caligula by Camus by the National Theatre of Kyiv, directed by Ivan Uryskyi (premiere outside Ukraine after Sibiu): July 5 to 11 (break on the 10th), from 6:25 PM to 7:45 PM at the Patinoire (La Manufacture).
The Caligula project was implemented with the support of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation as part of its “European Renaissance of Ukraine” program. The European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation are not responsible for the content of the work, which is entirely the responsibility of the authors.

Misto Marii : The Siege Diaries by Vidlik Projects (premiere outside Ukraine): July 13 to 21 (break on the 17th), from 6:25 PM to 7:45 PM at the Patinoire.
The Misto Marii project was implemented by La Manufacture and the Ukrainian Institute with the support of the IZOLYATSIA foundation, the Trans Europe Halles network, and the Malý Berlín cultural center. The project was co-financed by the ZMINA: Rebuilding program, created with the support of the European Union, following a call for proposals to help Ukrainian war-displaced persons and the cultural and creative sectors in Ukraine.

An adaptation of the War Diary of Olga and Sasha by Grégoire Biseau and Marcel Bozonet: July 14 to 21 (break on the 17th), at the Château de Saint-Chamand, from 2:40 PM to 4:45 PM.

Additionally, there will be two readings of the text Amadoca, supported by the National Popular Theatre of Villeurbanne and the Ukrainian Institute of Paris, a screening at the Utopia cinema of the Oscar-winning documentary 20 Days in Mariupol, and roundtable discussions with the Institut Français and the Ukrainian Institute.

The exhibition project From Inside presents the work of four Ukrainian photographers – Alexander Chekmenev, Pavlo Dorohoi, Igor Efimov, and Daria Svertilova. It was implemented by La Manufacture and the Ukrainian Institute with the support of the IZOLYATSIA foundation, the Trans Europe Halles network, and the Malý Berlín cultural center. The project was co-financed by the ZMINA: Rebuilding program, created with the support of the European Union, following a call for proposals to help Ukrainian war-displaced persons and the cultural and creative sectors in Ukraine. The exhibitions are organized in partnership with Petit Paradis, Odesa Photo Days, Hangar-Brussels. + infos about From Inside

The program will continue at the end of August with a call for projects for Ukrainian artists, architects, and urban planners, and a residency in Avignon in November 2024 with the ZMINA Rebuilding / Creative Europe – European Commission program.

Meetings, screenings, readings, photos exhibitions :

July 4-21 • Presentation of the exhibitions "From Inside"

Over the past two years, images from Ukraine have circulated widely, with thousands of photographers trying to capture the war. A year ago, media attention focused on certain events, but despite this, many stories remained untold, forgotten, or misunderstood.

The "From Inside" exhibition project brings together the stories of four Ukrainian photographers who, through their images, attempt to visualize the deep feelings and personal experiences of their people.

The stories told by Alexander Chekmenev, Igor Efimov, Daria Svertilova, and Pavel Dorogoy differ from those conveyed in the international press. The main difference lies in the language, access to the conversation, the ability to speak and understand, and through conversation and photography, an attempt to convey deep feelings, what is hidden inside, what we want to keep silent or even forget.

"From Inside" is not just a look inside the country but also an immersion into a new experience of life during the war, for which no one was prepared. These are the stories of displaced people, families who lost loved ones at the front, young people facing crucial choices, and those who can never return home.

July 4-21 • "Citizens of Kyiv" by Alexander Chekmenev

Ukrainian photographer Alexander Chekmenev presents his series "Citizens of Kyiv" in the garden of the Manufacture located at 2 Rue des Écoles.

Alexander Chekmenev (UA, 1969) is one of the leading figures in contemporary Ukrainian photography. Since 1997, he has lived and worked in Kyiv as a photojournalist for various media. In December 2022, he photographed President Volodymyr Zelensky for the cover of TIME magazine.

Almost every discussion about Chekmenev's photography revolves around two key themes: "empathy" and "memory". The "Citizens of Kyiv" series initially started as a commission for The New York Times magazine but quickly transcended this framework. The primary goal was to photograph people who remained in Kyiv under attack during the first month of the invasion. The series now includes over a hundred images telling the stories of those who stayed in the towns and villages of the Kyiv and Chernihiv regions. Chekmenev recalls that the city was literally empty and finding subjects for the series was extremely challenging, so he had to use his network to connect with people. Each person was photographed in a place of personal significance. The images are inseparable from the accompanying stories, with each composition associated with a caption. These present narratives not of victimization but of resistance and horizontal cooperation. "Citizens of Kyiv" is a project about people with an uncertain future, created by a photographer who is both a subject and a witness of the war, choosing to stay in Kyiv.

📍 In the garden of La Manufacture, 2 Rue des Écoles
Monday to Sunday, from 9:30 AM to 11 PM

July 8-21 • "The Subway as Shelter" by Pavlo Dorohoi

Ukrainian photographer Pavlo Dorohoi presents his series "The Subway as Shelter" at the Hôtel de Ville.

Pavlo Dorohoi, born in Kharkiv, specializes in documentary and archival photography. Today, he primarily works as a volunteer but continues to document life in the city during the war.

This series depicts life in one of Kharkiv's subway stations where thousands of residents hide during air raids. According to Pavel, a single station can shelter up to 500 people in the evening: volunteers prepare food, and when they are not sleeping, people try to take a few moments for themselves. Pavel lived in the subway with his wife, a station employee, and their two children.

📍 In the Hall of the Hôtel de Ville, Place de l’Horloge
July 8-21, Monday to Saturday from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM

July 4-21 • "Faces of Memory" by Igor Efimov

Photographer Igor Efimov presents his series "Faces of Memory" and "Selected Images" at the Petit Paradis.

Igor Efimov (Cherkasy, 1987) is the author of personal and collective exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad, a multiple photography competition laureate. He began in 2009 with documentary series and street photography, then added social and artistic projects to his practice. Through his work, Igor Efimov captures the dramatic changes occurring in his country, inviting the viewer to piece together the puzzle of Ukrainian reality.

This series is dedicated to families who have lost loved ones in the war. The parents, spouses, and children of soldiers are depicted in the images. They are photographed in the military uniform of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The uniform is the same for everyone, as a symbol of the country's collective loss. It belongs to everyone because the tragedy has affected not only families but also friends and neighbors; it is a trauma that unites the entire Ukrainian people. The military uniform reminds us that the war continues.

The photographs displayed were taken since 2011. They are the result of over a decade of research and aim to capture a historical period of profound transformation for Ukraine. The ironic mood of the selected photographs illustrates the turbulence of this period, and, as we now know, they foreshadow the dramatic course of events.

📍 At the Petit Paradis, 23 Rue des Lices
Wednesday to Sunday from 11 AM to 1 PM and from 3 PM to 8 PM

July 4-21 • "Temporary Homes" by Daria Svertilova

Ukrainian photographer Daria Svertilova presents two series : "Temporary Homes" and "Irreversibly Altered" at the Petit Paradis.

Daria Svertilova (Odesa, 1996) graduated from the National School of Decorative Arts in Paris in 2023. Using photography as her main tool, she seeks to create a sincere and subtle portrait of her generation. Her work has been exhibited throughout Europe and the United States and published in M le Monde, The Guardian, among others. Daria is a finalist for the Palm Photo Prize 2022.

2022 – ongoing
"I close my eyes and begin the journey. My destination is the Land of Pain and Bliss. Once there, I go to the places I knew, walk down the streets, see familiar faces, and talk to people. I hope to find my home as I left it, but everything is touched by a menacing feeling. It grows and engulfs me, it tightens my chest. I look around and recognize nothing. (...) I see great resilience and bravery as the world around me collapses; I hear sirens and explosions; I run and seek a place to hide. There is one between two walls: I sit there and look into the darkness, and the darkness looks back. The menacing feeling chokes me, I tell myself 'Wake up and it will end'. I open my eyes and the nightmare continues." "In this series of photos, I am both witness and actor. During the first year of real war, I constantly returned home, trying to capture my new vulnerable reality, a reality that has been irreversibly altered."

2019 – ongoing
"Dormitories are the only type of social housing that exists in Ukraine today. They were built during the Soviet era and since then, the buildings and living conditions have not changed much, but Ukraine and its people have. In this project, I explore the confrontation between the Soviet legacy and the new pro-Western generation. The buildings, which seem cold and uniform from the outside, hide diverse and varied rooms that combine Soviet interiors with each student's personal items, drawings, and posters. Dormitories are a kind of cocoon, a place of transition between adolescence and adulthood."

📍 At the Petit Paradis, 23 Rue des Lices
Wednesday to Sunday from 11 AM to 1 PM and from 3 PM to 8 PM

July 9 and 13 from 9:30 AM to 10:15 AM • Reading of Amadoca, a project supported by the National Popular Theater of Villeurbanne, with the support of the Ukrainian Institute Paris.

Reading of Amadoca, a project supported by the National Popular Theater of Villeurbanne, with the support of the Ukrainian Institute Paris.

Text by Sofia Andrukhovytch
Translation by Iryna Dmytrychyn for Les Éditions Belfond
Stage translation by Yuriy Zavalnyouk, Jules Audry
Directed by Jules Audry
Performed by Yuriy Zavalnyouk, Carine Goron
Sound design by Jean Galmiche

📍 Manufacture Intra-Muros

July 13 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM • A Midsummer Night's Dream of War : Literature and Drama in Contemporary Ukraine

📍 Studio of Maison Jean Vilar

July 14 at 10:30 AM at CINÉMAS UTOPIA • Exclusive screening of 20 Days in Mariupol

20 Days in Mariupol is a 2023 documentary film directed by Pulitzer Prize winner Mstyslav Chernov, also an Oscar winner for Best Documentary Film.

July 15 from 9:15 AM to 10:15 AM • Breakfast/Meeting: (Re)building and Creating with Ukraine - What are some concrete examples of existing collaborations ? What implementation difficulties exist ?

(Re)building and Creating with Ukraine: Concrete Examples. What are some concrete examples of existing collaborations? What implementation difficulties exist?

With (programming ongoing, subject to confirmation related to the war situation):

Clément Peretjatko, Director, Puppeteer
Patrick Penot, Festival Sens Interdits Lyon
Tetiana Kytsenko, Author, Member of the Association of Independent Authors
Julia Gonchar, Author, Member of the Association of Independent Authors
Dominique Dolmieu, Publisher "L’espace d’un instant"
Anna Colin-Lebedev, Lecturer in Political Science, Author of "Jamais frères? Ukraine et Russie: une tragédie postsoviétique"
Iryna Nirsha, Director of the Performing Arts Department at the Ukrainian Institute, Kyiv
Moderation by Frédéric Poty, La Manufacture
Supported by the IZOLYATSIA Foundation, Trans Europe Halles, and Malý Berlín, and co-financed by the ZMINA: Rebuilding program, created with the support of the European Union in a call for proposals aimed at supporting displaced Ukrainians and the Ukrainian cultural and creative sectors.

📍 Manufacture Intra-Muros

© Daria Svertilova


De 09:00 à 23:00

04 > 21 July

Château de Saint-Chamand Route / Intra-Muros Route / Patinoire Route / Petit Paradis Route /

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