Lumière d'août
Nos corps empoisonnés
Marine Bachelot Nguyen
Nos corps empoisonnés immerses us into the story of Tran To Nga, a Vietnamese woman committed to multiple fights all her life : anti-imperialism, feminism, ecology, to name a few.
Young resistant in the “maquis” during the Vietnam War, she was exposed like so many others to the American sprayings of Agent Orange. Today, from France, she is leading a historic trial against American agro-chemical companies, denouncing the ravages of this poison in organisms and in the earth.
Carried by a young actress, this theatrical story intertwines text, performance, video, archive images weaving together with the life of Tran To Nga. Stating the vitality of bodies wounded and contaminated by the tragedies of history, always in struggle and in resilience.
Company presentation
LUMIÈRE D'AOÛT is a collective of authors and stage directors founded in 2004 in Rennes. Focused on today writings, the company offers masterclasses, landscape-theatre, performances...
The collective gathers Marine Bachelot Nguyen, Alexis Fichet, Alexandre Koutchevsky, Nicolas Richard, project leaders co-directing the company, and Laurent Quinton, Juliette Pourquery de Boisserin, authors.
Marine Bachelot Nguyen - Author and stage director
Marine Bachelot Nguyen is an author and stage director of the collective Lumière d'août, founded in 2004 in Rennes. In her work, she explores the alliance of fiction and document, the intersections of body and politics, feminist and postcolonial issues. She wrote and created Courtes pièces politiques(2006), Artemisia vulgaris(Festival mettre en scène in 2008), Histoires de femmes et de lessives (2009), “La femme ce continent noir...” (2010), À la racine (Festival mettre en scène 2011), La Place du Chien (2014). Her play Les Ombres et les Lèvres (Viêtnam LGBT) was supported by the Hors-les-Murs program of the Institut Français and by a grant from the CNL. She premiered it at the Théâtre National de Bretagne in 2016.
In 2018, she resided in Villa Saigon (Vietnam) and in Grenoble (Troisième Bureau/MC2) for her project Circulations Capitales, created in September 2019. In 2021, she created her piece Akila, le tissu d’Antigone.
Her texts have also been staged by David Gauchard, Charlie Windelschmidt, Anne Bisang, Alexandre Koutchevsky, Hélène Soulié, etc.
Le Fils (Sony Labou Tansi and Primeurs 2019 prize), Les Ombres et les Lèvres, La Place du Chien, Akila, le tissu d’Antigone Antigone are published by Lansman.
She lives and works between Rennes and Lille, and is a founding member of HF Bretagne and Décoloniser les Arts.
Angélica-Kiyomi Tisseyre Sékiné - Comedian
Angélica-Kiyomi Tisseyre Sékiné is an actress and dancer. In 2015, she was accepted into the national school of acting, ERACM.
She took part in the play 400 coups de pédale (400 strokes of pedal) directed by Alexis Moati and Pierre Laneyrie, Anima directed by Karim Belkacem, and Prova d'Orchestra directed by Mathieu Bauer. A keen researcher, she also participates in several laboratories: Alexandre del Perugia (Path of the Player), Yoshi Oida (The Energy and the Invisible in Acting ), Yumi Fujitani (The Process of Butoh), Yorgos Karamelegos (Physical Theater), and Stephanie Lupo ( Performing Poetry). She also danced for choreographers such as Massidi Adiatou and Bamoussa Diomande in Autophagies, Aurelien Desclozeaux and Vusi M'doyi in Blaster Cabaret and Bal Fiction, or Anne-Sophie Lancelin with The Carny created in the frame of RIDC.
In 2018 after her graduation, she co-found LE BAIN Collectif Company with other actors: she took part in the plays 72 and the trial of Stammheim, 73, we manufacture, we sell, we play : a history about LIP's manufacture (Finalist of Theatre 13 Competition, and Winner of Beaumarchais Support) directed by Anouk Darne-Tanguille, and a bi-monthly theatrical series inspired by current events of the world, L' Edito. With Mabel Octobre Company, she performed in Je passe (I am passing) and Disparu.e.s. (Disappeared) directed by Judith Depaule, created in collaboration with the Agency of Artists in Exile of Paris. Hired by Eva Doumbia in La Part du Pauvre Company, she took part in the plays Badine from Alfred de Musset, Devoirs surveillés (Supervised Homework) played in high schools and middle schools, and finally Autophagies programmed at the Festival IN of Avignon 2021, and Self-eaters (the american version of Autophagies) played at The Invisible Dog Art Center of New York and Ashé Cultural Arts Center of New Orleans.
In Lumière d' août Company, she performs alone on stage the play Nos corps empoisonnés (Our poisoned bodies) directed by Marine Bachelot Nguyen.
Text and stage direction Marine Bachelot Nguyen
With Angélica-Kiyomi Tisseyre Sékiné
With the participation of Tran To Nga
Scenography and video Julie Pareau
Light design and general management Alice Gill-Kahn
General management Clément Salomon Longueville
Production Gabrielle Jarrier
Broadcast En Votre Compagnie / Olivier Talpaert
Press Maison Message
Production Collective Lumière d’août (Rennes)
Coproduction Théâtre de Choisy-le-Roi, scène conventionnée d’intérêt national pour la diversité linguistique, Le Quartz – Scène Nationale de Brest, CPPC – Théâtre l’Aire Libre (Saint-Jacques-de-la- Lande), Théâtre du Champ au Roy (Guingamp), Le Strapontin, Scène de territoire de Bretagne pour les arts du récit (Pont-Scorff)
With the support and technical assistance of Les plateaux Sauvages (Paris)
Residency Textes en l’air (Saint-Antoine L’Abbaye)
These performances benefit of the financial support of Spectacle vivant en Bretagne.
In the press
Your contacts in Avignon (pro only)
Olivier Talpaert / En Votre Compagnie
06 77 32 50 50 /
16:10 > 17:30
07 > 24.07
Breaks on 12 & 19.07
From 15 years old
Tarif Plein : 18,50€
Tarif Off : 13€
Tarif Pro : 8€