Collectif Mensuel


Nicolas Ancion

BLOCKBUSTER is a theatrical UFO, a giant mashup, a film made of 1400 shots taken from 160 Hollywood blockbusters. From this titanic editing emerges an insurrectionist tale in which the people revolt against ever more drastic austerity measures… Any resemblance to current events would, of course, be purely coincidental.

BLOCKBUSTER is above all an incredibly precise performance : during the projection of the film, on stage the five actors/musicians provide live dubbing of the dialogues, sound effects and music.

BLOCKBUSTER is a hijacking performance where theater, cinema, rock’n’roll and corrosive humor are mixed.

No English subtitles will be displayed during the show in Avignon, but are available on tour upon request.

This improbable mashup is an iconoclastic tale about class violence: an inventive, explosive and funny performance. – Thierry Voisin, Télérama

Company presentation

The Collectif Mensuel offers a political, popular, polymorphic and festive theater. Established in Liège, Belgium, it finds its richness in the diversity of the artists who make up the company: musicians, video artists, actors, writers, sound engineers, stage managers, set designers, visual artists...

Its shows (Blockbuster, Sabordage, 2043, L'homme qui valait 35 milliards, or Zaï Zaï) have been performed more than 800 times in France, in Belgium, and elsewhere, and have enjoyed both public and critical success.

Collectif Mensuel - Conception and direction

Three actors form the core of this Collective: Sandrine Bergot, Baptiste Isaia and Renaud Riga. This simple fact has a huge influence on the nature of its work. If several people have joined the adventure and enriched it with their experience in their distinctive fields, each of the collective's projects remains the fruit of actors' desires, and places the actor (of the theater but also of society and of his time, as a conscious and responsible artist) at the center of the creative process.

It is with this approach in mind that the different shows have progressively integrated other artistic disciplines to generate a composite, festive and communicative theater, where humor, if not imperative, always finds its way into their work.

Nicolas Ancion - Co-author

Awarded the Prix Jeunes Auteurs ( International Young Authors' Prize) in 1989 and 1991, he published his first novel in 1995, Ciel bleu trop bleu. Numerous other novels followed, for adults as well as for young people, including Quatrième étage, (Prix des Lycéens in 2001 – literary award given by high school students) or Nous sommes tous des playmobiles. He is also a comic book critic and author of children books. In September 2009, he published L'homme qui valait 35 milliards and received the Prix Rossel des Jeunes, a prestigious Belgian literary award. He is without a doubt one of the most prolific and representative writers of the Belgian French-speaking literature;
Blockbuster is very loosely adapted from his novel Invisibles et remuants (2015).


Conception and direction Collectif Mensuel
Writing Nicolas Ancion & Collectif Mensuel
Performance Sandrine Bergot, Xavier Foucher, Quentin Halloy, Baptiste Isaia, Philippe Lecrenier
Technical direction – lighting design Manu Deck
Scenography Claudine Maus
Sound engineer Johann Spitz
Video and lighting director Nicolas Gilson
Editing Juliette Achard
Sound effects coach Céline Bernard
Production Manager Adrien De Rudder
Tour organizer Enorah Le Paih


Production Collectif Mensuel
Coproduction Théâtre de Liège et Théâtre National/Bruxelles
With the support of la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, de l’AWEX, du WBI, de la Province de Liège et de la Loterie Nationale.

In the press

“The heart of Europe is supposed to be in Brussels, but the spirit of corrosive, disrespectful,and entertaining European theater is in Liège.”

Charles Silvestre, Liège sets Hollywood on fire, L'Humanité

“Blockbuster is a deeply coherent project, both funny and serious, playful and committed. A play to which no one can be indifferent, and that asks the right questions, both in form and in content.”

Primaëlle Vertenoeil The play that shakes up Hollywood, L'Echo

“Original and clever, playful and political, a show for the whole family, whether you are a movie fan or not. It is the work of a Belgian collective, magician of the stage as well as the screen. »

Didier Méreuze, Blockbuster, quand le théâtre fait son cinéma..., La Croix

« Joyeusement irrévérencieux, allègrement anarchisant, 
le scénario procède à un véritable jeu de massacre qui libère la parole des plus démunis et de ceux qui militent pour un monde meilleur.» 

Michel Dieuaide, «Insurrection théâtrale», Les Trois Coups

“A bit like if Mélenchon had entrusted his campaign to the Marx Brothers. And here, we vote for it.”

Françoise Monnet, Drop everything and go see Blockbuster, Le Progrès

“Surprising, bluffing, this Blockbuster from Liège could very well make Hollywood jealous.”

Bénédicte Alié, RTBF

“Unprecedented in its genre, Blockbuster sends shivers down the spine thanks to the accuracy of a critique that acts like a time bomb on consciences.”

Cécile STROUK, Rue du Théâtre

"There is a disturbing innocence in Blockbuster, a simplism that is delightful because it is always affected by a point of laughter. It is Capra directing an episode of Godzilla: Mr. Smith goes to the Senate, and finally he breaks everything! "

Patrice Maniglier, lecturer at the University of Paris Ouest-Nanterre

“This improbable mashup is an iconoclastic tale about class violence: an inventive, explosive and funny performance.”

Thierry Voisin, Télérama 

Your contacts in Avignon (pro only)

Enorah Le Paih
06 13 28 80 20 /

Sandrine Bergot
(+32) 485 69 83 94


17:25 > 19:40shuttle ride included

07 > 24.07

Breaks on 12 & 19.07

Patinoire Route /

Show 17:55 > 19:15
All audiences, ages 14 and up

Tarif Plein : 20,50€
Tarif Off : 14€
Tarif Pro : 9€

Book a ticket
