WiLDi Productions


Fabien Ducommun

Following a reversal of fortune, Fabien is embarked almost in spite of himself on a solitary crossing of the United States, at the wheel of an old Chevrolet which he names Princess.

This journey, experienced as a bad combination of circumstances, gradually takes the turn of an initiatory journey.

As the kilometers go by, the strong memories that marked his life resurface.

At the controls of his steel mount, lulled by the sound of the mythical songs of the crooners of the 1950s, through chance encounters that mirror the founding scenes of his life, he has no choice but to confront the ghosts of his past.

AIME MOI is the story in words, music and songs of this mystical and poetic road trip, from the East Coast to the ocean. Peaceful.

Company presentation

WiLDi mission is to support artists offering original works, combining several artistic disciplines.

Fabien Ducommun - Interprète / Auteur / Metteur en scène

Fabien Ducommun is an actor, singer, author and director, born in Switzerland. After a quick stint at the Geneva Conservatory, he trained as an actor with Steve Kalfa at the Ateliers de L'Ouest. He sings in all the Zéniths of France by becoming Louis Chédid's "Soldat Rose". He makes great artistic deviations, directing the show "Joséphine Ose" or playing in the anticipation series "Osmosis" on Netflix. Poetic and benevolent in "Thomas" by Laura Smet, dark and bordering on madness in "Penetrator" by Anthony Neilson or alone on stage alongside death in "To Lose" by Nicolas Boualami, he finds with his show "Gênance", co writes and performs with Joséphine Draï, the way to exploit her comic side.
For the first time, he writes his musical road trip alone, "Aime Moi", records the cover album that accompanies the show and puts himself on stage.

Jean-François Prigent - Musician

Since 2005, Jean-François Prigent accompanies with his captivating guitars, artists as different as Louis Chédid, Julian Perretta, Le Soldat Rose, Chimène Badi, Julie Zenatti, Grégoire...

He works as an image composer for Morgane Production, Black Dynamite, France TV, Engie, Label News and 3ème Oeil.
The Culture Box channel, Best Of TV Groupe M6 and Espaces Atypiques trust him by asking him to create their sound charter.

He composed the soundtrack for the medium-length film "Dilemne, dilemme" directed by Jacky Goldberg, with Vincent Macaigne and Julia Faure, released in January 2023, just before playing his guitars on stage, in the musical road trip "AIME MOI" by and with Fabien Ducommun.


Interprétation, texte, mise en scène Fabien Ducommun
Guitares Jean-François Prigent
Mise en scène Christian Kiappe
Création sonore Guillaume Bouchateau
Direction musicale Cyril Taïeb
Création lumières Anne Gayan
Décors Atelier_Adric – Redfield & Dattner

Your contacts in Avignon (pro only)

Presse : Jennifer Bardin
+33 6 83 06 68 59 /

Diffusion Billal Chegra
+33 6 65 69 68 54


23:00 > 00:30

17 > 24.07

Intra-Muros Route /

From 12 years old

Tarif Plein : 18,50€
Tarif Off : 13€
Tarif Pro : 8€

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