Howl 2122


Howl 2122

Laure Catherin

Howl 2122 is a writing, music composition and live performance project, close to rap and spoken word, intended to remind us how much covid and confinement have abused and destroyed the youth of our country. Inspired by Barbara Stiegler’s Democracy in Pandemic, a sort of very distant counterpart to Allen Ginsberg’s poem “Howl“, Howl 2122 is also an ode to freedom, a surge of hope for a youth deprived of movement who had to bypass the lines in order to invent new codes.

Company presentation

LaDude is a company from Rennes. At the heart of its creative work are three main axes: new writing that resonates with the urgencies of the present and mainly by female authors, the decompartmentalization of genres and jobs and a predominant place for actresses on stage, and finally transmission. With the common thread is the desire to think and work intelligently with a territory.


Conception, writing and performance Laure Catherin
Artistic collaboration with the director Delphine Battour
Musical composition and performance Raphaël Mars
Stage management, sound and video Louise Prieur


Production LaDude
Distribution Le Bureau des Paroles
Coproduction Théâtre du Cercle – Rennes, Université Rennes 2
Supported by the City of Rennes (residency support) and the Ministry of Culture – DRAC Bretagne (support for the revival)
Residency at the Maison Jacques Copeau – Pernand-Vergelesses
Residency and writing support Maison du Livre – Bécherel

Éditions Koïné (November 2022)

Your contacts in Avignon (pro only)

Alice Léonard-Pons
06 29 84 25 95 /


18:00 > 19:10

08 > 24.07 jours pairs

Break on 12.07

Intra-Muros Route /

From 12 years old

Tarif Plein : 18,50€
Tarif Off : 13€
Tarif Pro : 8€

Book a ticket
