
Chriki'Z Company


Amine Boussa and Jeanne Azoulay

fiBraM brings to the stage 2 dancers, 1 soprano and 1 Oud player for a virtuoso, sensitive and poignant quartet. Suspended light bulbs guide their way in a journey where languages mix. The classical Latin songs meet the Arabic language, a quartet that summons those who together, one might think, dissonate. The complicity of bodies, Arabo-Andalusian sounds and a lyrical song that merge for a journey beyond the tangible.

2 dancers, 1 soprano and 1 Oud player merge for a journey beyond the tangible.

Company presentation

Under the artistic direction of Amine Boussa and Jeanne Azoulay, the Chriki'Z Company, develops a work of contemporary creation declining the hip hop gesture. They develop a writing pushing the research and the requirement of the movement, whether it is performative or minimalist, but always embodied.Beyond the hexagon, they radiate in more than 13 countries. L'iniZio, presented in Avignon in 2018, won the critics' award at the KingFestival 2019 in Russia.

Amine BOUSSA - Artistic Director/ Choreographer

Born in 1983 in Algiers, Amine discovered break dancing in 2001. Spotted by the National Ballet of Algiers, he quickly became professional. His meeting with Kader Attou, with whom he will work for many years, will take him beyond the borders, and it is in La Rochelle that he chooses to settle. Eager for freedom, to push his voice and his artistic approach, he founded the Chriki’Z Company. If he had not known dance, Amine would have gone to « Les Beaux Arts ». This probably explains why he signed very early a pictorial and aesthetic work. While breaking the codes of the language from which he came. His meeting with Jeanne questions and nourishes his approach to the point that they decide to sign their work of creation with two voices.
Other artistic encounters such as those with Andres Marin (Sevilla), the musicians of the Ensemble DIVANA (Radjastan), and the director Matthieu Roy, reinforced his desire to push the transversality of disciplines.

Jeanne AZOULAY - Artistic Director/ Choreographer / Dancer

Born in 1985, Jeanne Azoulay was immersed in dance and music from an early age. Her environment is impregnated with a cinematographic culture, and theaters are very quickly familiar to her.
From 2009, she works for different choreographers: Fouad Boussouf, Babacar Cissé, Aurélien Kairo, Milène Duhameau, Nabil Hemaïzia, Abdou N'Gom, Bouba Landrille Tchouda, Mickael Le Mer etc... So many choreographers who participate in shaping the interpreter recognized for her technical and artistic qualities.
In parallel, she meets in 2012 Amine Boussa with whom she dances in his first piece Moovance. It is a true artistic encounter and their complicity will last. From then on, Jeanne becomes a main actress of the Chriki'Z Company that she now co-directs. Overcoming all forms of codes, her gestures and her technique, marked by a hybridization, are at the service of her states of body.
While she refines her research and her writing of the movement, a writing with four hands is naturally set up in the course of the pieces of the company.


Artistic direction and choreography Amine Boussa and Jeanne Azoulay
Dancers Jeanne Azoulay and Teddy Verardo
Soprano Alice Duport-Percier
Oud Jérôme Levatois
Music Director Alexandre Dai Castaign
Lighting design Nicolas Tallec
Costume design Claude Murgia
Sound engineer Sébastien Auffray


Production Chriki’Z Company / Amine BOUSSA – Jeanne AZOULAY
Co-productions Aubusson’s National Theater (23), National Choreographic Center – La Rochelle (17), New Aquitaine Arts Office, La Ferme de Bel Ebat – Guyancourt (78).

With the support of  Ministry of Culture – DRAC Nouvelle Aquitaine, de la Ville de La Rochelle, ADAMI, SPEDIDAM.

Residencies Aubusson’s National Theater (23), National Choreographic Center – La Rochelle, CREA, Saint George de Didionne (17), Sainte-Mary’s Chapel, Annonay – La Baraka Company  (07), La Ferme de Bel Ébat, Guyancourt (78), Le Rocher de Palmer, Cenon (33).

The Compagnie Chriki’Z receives support from the Ministry of Culture DRAC Nouvelle-Aquitaine as part of the support for the subsidised company, from the Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine as part of the support for the operation and from the Département de La Charente Maritime as part of the support for the subsidised company.
The Compagnie Chriki’Z receives support from the Institut Français for its tours abroad.

© Emma Derrier

Your contacts in Avignon (pro only)

Camille Balaudé
+33 7 64 43 31 28 /


14:05 > 15:40shuttle ride included

07 > 24.07

Breaks on 12 & 19.07

Château de Saint-Chamand Route /

Show 14:30 > 15:20
From 8 years old

Tarif Plein : 20,50€
Tarif Off : 14€
Tarif Pro : 9€

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