Femme Capital

Company Tendres Bourreaux

Femme Capital

Orchestrated and directed by Sylvain Cartigny and Mathieu Bauer

Based on the figure of Ayn Rand, an American ultraliberalism incarnation in the 30’s, Mathieu Bauer and Sylvain Cartigny depict the portrait of a monster of selfishness. Nicknamed « the Market Goddess », she takes here the features of the actress Emma Liégeois. Around her, the collective energy of the musicians of the Orchestre de spectacle de Montreuil is heard as an opposition to the contradictory character’s delusions – a popular icon who despised the masses.

“Rich, funny and fascinating work around a woman to discover…” Fabienne Pascaud, Télérama

“Sylvain Cartigny and Mathieu Bauer stage a guru of American capitalism, megalomaniac and egocentric, in an exciting show.” Anne Diatkine, Libération

English surtitled available.

"Femme Capital", portrait of a monster of selfishness.

Company presentation

Mathieu Bauer's major concern is to find artistic forms able to reflect the challenges of our time. Driven by the idea of a theater that intimately mixes music, cinema and literature, Mathieu Bauer looks for ways to decompartmentalise artistic forms. He works from different material : press articles, essays, novels, films, operas and plays and writes new parts articulating the rythm, the text, songs and images. This unique creation process underlies all his theatrical stage direction.


Mathieu Bauer

Mathieu Bauer had a musical training before creating the Sentimental Bourreau company in 1989, of which he was the artistic director starting in 1999. His shows have been regularly seen at the MC93 Bobigny, at the Subsistances in Lyon and at the Théâtre de la Bastille in Paris. He pursues his activity as a musician-composer-performer in France and Germany.
He became Director of the Centre dramatique National of Montreuil in 2011 until 2021.

Between 2011 and 2018, he created several shows, including the most significant: "Please kill me", based on the history of the punk movement (from the booklet of Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain), "Shock Corridor", from the eponymous film by Samuel Fuller (with the group 42 from the TNS school) and the unbridled conference-concert "Dj set (sur) écoute".
Between 2019 and 2021, he created the performed cinema-concert "Buster", around the figure of Buster Keaton, accompanied by enlightening analysis of Stéphane Goudet, and "Femme Capital", a show conceived with the Orchestre de spectacle de Montreuil around the figure of Ayn Rand.
In 2022, he renamed his new company Tendres Bourreaux. He created in October 2022 "Paléolithique Story", at the Scène Nationale de Maubeuge then on tour in 22/23.
In parallel with the production of his shows, he responds to several orders, including "The Rake's Progress" by Stravinsky at the Opéra de Rennes in February 2022, or stage forms between performance and concert, like "Pommes Girl", poetic and musical performance by Rim Battal, created on tour in the Institut français of Morocco.
He is currently preparing the adaptation of "Palombella Rossa", Nanni Moretti’s film, which will be presented in the autumn of 2024, at at the MC93 in Bobigny and in others theaters.

Sylvain Cartigny

Guitarist and composer, Sylvain Cartigny is co-founder of the Sentimental Bourreau company with Mathieu Bauer.
In 2011, Sylvain Cartigny adapted musics from the punk and rock repertoire for the show "Please Kill Me" (2011). Since then, he has composed the music for every Mathieu Bauer's shows: "Une Faille" seasons 1 and 2 (2012-2013), "The Haunting Melody" (2014), "DJ set (sur) écoute" (2016), "Shock Corridor" (2016), "Les Larmes de Barbe-bleue" (2017), "Western" (2018) and "Buster" (2019). "Paléolithique Story", Mathieu Bauer's last show with whom he is collaborating again, has just been created in October 2022.
For the radio he composes and performs the music of Radio Fictions produced by Blandine Masson ("Tigre en Papier", "La Salle de Bain", "Tombé Hors du Temps", "Un Cheval Entre dans un Bar"), Alexandre Plank, Christophe Hocké, Baptiste Guiton, Laure Egoroff.
Since 2011, he has formed and directed the Orchestre de Spectacle de Montreuil, which has participated to "Une Faille" (M. Bauer), "En Avant Marche" (A. Platel), "Les Derniers Jours de L’Humanité" (N . Bigard), "Le Marching Band Paris Project" and "Singulis et Simul" (adaptations of Baroque repertoire for the Cincinati Symphonic Orchestra/F. Naucziciel), "Prova d'Orchestra" (Rota, Fellini, Bauer), "L'œil et l’Oreille" (from the work of Rota/Fellini), directed by Mathieu Bauer.
He created specifically for the Orchestre: "Men Wanted" (writing and staging by S. Cartigny), "Femme Capital" for which he designed and composed the music (text by Stéphane Legrand, staging by M. Bauer), "Hymnes en jeux", theatrical and nomadic concerts offered from 2020 to 2024 as part of the Olympic Games 2024 in France.

Emma Liégeois

Emma Liégeois is graduated from the school of the Théâtre National de Strasbourg (TNS).
After a lyrical singing training, she is mainly oriented towards musical theater.
Since she leaved the school, she has played in "Le Radeau de la Méduse", directed by Thomas Jolly and in "Shock Corridor", directed by Mathieu Bauer.
In 2017, Eléonore Auzou-Connes, Romain Pageard and Emma Liégeois collectively adapted the musical score of "Musique de tables" by Thierry de Mey, produced by La Pop.
In 2018, she worked with Mathieu Bauer again for the show "Western" based on André de Toth "La Chevauchée des bannis".
In 2019/2020, she played in David Lescot's musical "Une femme se déplace", in Bob Wilson's musical show "Jungle Book" as well as in "Le Vol du Boli", an opera by Damon Albarn staged by Abderrahmane Sissako at the Théâtre du Châtelet.
In 2021, she is reunited again with Mathieu Bauer and Sylvain Cartigny for the creation of "Femme Capital" by Stéphane Legrand and in 2022 she continued to collaborate withe them for the show "Paléolithique Story".
We can currently see her in David Lescot's latest musical, "La Force qui Ravage Tout" produced by the Théâtre de la Ville.

Clément Barthelet

Clément Barthelet undertook an actor training at the Conservatoire du 18ème arrondissement, in Paris and then joined the school of the Théâtre National de Strasbourg (TNS) in 2013. Fascinated with theater and British acting, during his years of study, he will have the opportunity to work with Christian Burgess (director of the drama section of the Guildhall School Music and Drama in London) during numerous internships in France as well as within his London school.
In 2016, when he left school, he had the opportunity to work with Sandrine Anglade, Mathieu Bauer, Rémi Barché, Thomas Jolly and Christine Letailleur.
At the same time, he starts a musical training at the Conservatoire of Besançon, learning to play clarinet and graduating. He also trained as a singer at the Hall de la Chanson school, as well as playing drums at the TNS school. As a music fan, he continues to play, also with the Orchestre de Spectacle de Montreuil in various shows and concerts.
During the 2022-23 season he performs in "Femme Capital" directed by Mathieu Bauer and two shows by Sandrine Anglade Chimène: "Faire entendre sa voix" and "Dans nos poches de rois"; he will also appear in "La Tempête".

L'Orchestre de spectacle de Montreuil

In 2011, based on teh idea of Mathieu Bauer, the Orchestre de spectacle de Montreuil was born.
Under the artistic direction of Sylvain Cartigny, a group of twenty amateur or professional musicians, from 15 to 65 years old, create and perform eclectic music, exclusively in live performance projects.

Based on commitment and collective desire, everyone is free to join the Orchestra, whatever the instrument played and the level. Since the beginning of the adventure, more than forty musicians have taken part in one or more projects. Sylvain Cartigny imagines, regarding each one level, the right orchestration. Thanks to the investment of all the musicians and the multiplicity of projects, the Orchestra has become a real initiative of inclusion and professional integration.
Over these 10 years, after many creations and collaborations, the Orchestra has built up as a "We", always in motion, inventing, constantly evolving with more than twenty experts in artistic adventures.
Since 2020, they have designed a new musical and theatrical program every six months for outdoor concerts called "Hymnes en jeux", as part of the Cultural Olympiad, opening the Orchestra to more than sixty musicians.
In January 2022, they created the film-concert for young audiences "Le Roi Lavra", for four musicians.


With Emma Liégeois, Clément Barthelet and the Orchestre de spectacle de Montreuil :
Blaise Cardon-Mienville, Elisa Chartier, Joseph Cartigny, Lilli Lacombe, Tommy Haullard, Steve Matingu Nsukami, Nicolas Vukchevitch
Based on the essay of Stéphane Legrand
Original idea, adaptation of text and music Sylvain Cartigny
Design and staging Mathieu Bauer
Sound creation Alexis Pawlak
Light creation William Lambert
Costumes Nathalie Saulnier
General management and video Florent Fouquet
Sound management Arthur Legouhy
Staging assistant Anne Soisson


Associate production company Tendres Bourreaux; The Orchestre de spectacle de Montreuil
Diffusion Florence Bourgeon 
Production office Retors Particulier
Development Margot Quénéhervé
Administration Nolwenn Mornet
Production Alma Vincey assisted by Marion Gaillard
Cultural action and regional projects Mathilda Augey
Press Flore Guiraud

In the press

« Sylvain Cartigny and Mathieu Bauer stage a megalomaniac and egocentric American capitalism guru, in an exciting show. Seen from far, in this cabin, [...] this Cruella may seem very harmless and very talented since she has Emma Liégeois’ features, an exceptional singer [...]. »

Anne Diatkine, Libération

« [...] the excellent performance of the actress Emma Liégeois must be noted. In something that looks like a trial, she remains in control of her own condition [...].
Mathieu Bauer and Sylvain Cartigny sign a remarkable staging which plunges us into an intimate one-on-one with a seductive monster. »

Quentin Didier, Toute la culture

« To depint the portrait of this dangerous megalomaniac, Mathieu Bauer has imagined a choir of musicians who challenges her [...] the spectator could perceive a real sound and musical architecture, leading from the individual "I" to the collective "we".
Rich, funny and exciting work around a woman to discover... »

Fabienne Pascaud, Télérama

© Jean-Louis Fernandez


13:40 > 15:30shuttle ride included

07 > 24.07

Breaks on 12 & 19.07
Show 14:05 > 15:05

Patinoire Route /

From 13 years old

Tarif Plein : 20,50€
Tarif Off : 14€
Tarif Pro : 9€

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