A survival kit for a masculinist environment

Pintozor Prod. and Marion Thomas

A survival kit for a masculinist environment

Wandering with meeting point Rue des Ecoles

This sound exploration is an immersive performance which invites participants to follow a woman on the street, while listening to an incel’s narrative (involuntary celibates). These “incels” are a community of straight men who gather online to share a common hatred of women. Once the exploration starts and the recording is playing, the person walking is confronted to the masculinist vision of a young incel whose story is told by a woman whose tone varies from fascination to anger; as a former teenage outcast, she identifies with some of his loneliness. With nuance and empathy, Pintozor Prod. delves into our contemporary turn towards systemic violence through the confrontation of these two perspectives.

This production has been recorded in English and in German, and it can be experienced simultaneously in these three languages.

As part of the SCH – Swiss Selection in Avignon

The script, written by Marion Thomas, is absorbing, thoughtful and sometimes terrifying. – The Scotsman, Joyce McMillan

Company presentation

Pintozor Prod. is a pluridisciplinary collective composed of Audrey Bersier and Maxine Reys, who like to conceive new ways of seeing the present and future, in productions that alternate between theatre, sound explorations and installations.
Marion Thomas is an author, theatre director and actress who was trained in the Manufacture; she develops singular pieces that vary between conferences, performance and stand-up with a strong political commitment, combining internet culture, video games, and her passion for science.



Concept, text and voice Marion Thomas
Artistic collaboration and sound Audrey Bersier, Maxine Reys
Diffusion Joanne Buob
Translation into German Marina Galli
German voice Danaé Dario
Translation into English Florence Schluchter-Robins
English voice Rosalind McAndrew
With the collaboration of Naïma Arlaud, Carla Jaboyedoff and Heather Marshall (Creative Electric)


Production Pintozor Prod.
Coproduction Théâtre du Grütli (Genève), Les Subsistances (Lyon)
With the support of Bourse Geyser, m2act – Le projet de soutien et de mise en réseau du Pour-cent culturel Migros pour les arts scéniques, Pro Helvetia – Fondation Suisse pour la culture, Loterie Romande, Fondation Emilie Gourd et Fondation Ernst Göhner

Your contacts in Avignon (pro only)

Joanne Buob
+41 (0)79 259 29 81 / joannebuob@gmail.com


18:00 > 19:00
20:00 > 21:00

08 > 23.07

Breaks on 12 & 19.07

Intra-Muros Route /

From 16 years old

Tarif Plein : 18,50€
Tarif Off : 13€
Tarif Pro : 8€

Book a ticket
