Pères, enquête sur les paternités d’aujourd’hui

Compagnie BABEL

Pères, enquête sur les paternités d’aujourd’hui

Élise Chatauret, Thomas Pondevie

Show with English surtitles

How do we exist as fathers today? From helicopter dads to pater familias, the Babel company investigates. Created and written using interviews, “Peres” opens the doors of a number of French households. On stage, two actors take on the stories collected and paint a series of portraits, weaving new discourses. Little by little, a question emerges: how can we imagine fatherhood outside of patriarchy?

What is the man of the future? How will men and women raise these men of the future? — Casey

Company presentation

Elise Chatauret created Babel in 2008. She directed 8 shows, 6 of which she wrote using interviews and investigations. Since 2015, dramaturg Thomas Pondevie has been closely working with her. Together they created "Ce qui demeure", "Saint-Félix" and more recently: "À la vie !" and "Pères". Babel is commissioned by the Drac and the Région Ile-de-France. It enjoys a residency at the Scène Nationale de Malakoff, and is associated with the CDN in Nancy and the Théâtre des Quartiers d’Ivry.


Élise Chatauret - Director

Élise Chatauret is an author and director. Thomas Pondevie is a dramaturg. Together, with faithful collaborators, they develop a theatre of research from raw confrontations with the real around major social issues. They have created five shows since 2015. They are currently preparing the next creation of the company: "Violence (working title)".


With Laurent Barbot et Iannis Haillet
Staging Elise Chatauret et Thomas Pondevie
Set designers Charles Chauvet and Jori Desq
Light designer Léa Maris
Sound designer Maxime Tisserand


Production Compagnie Babel-Élise Chatauret / Théâtre de la Poudrerie – Sevran
Co-production Malakoff Scène nationale ; Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil – CDN ; Les Ateliers Médicis ; La Manufacture – CDN Nancy- Lorraine Soutiens : Département de la Seine-Saint-Denis, Théâtre de la Tempête et Théâtre des Quartiers d’Ivry

© Christophe Raynaud de Lage

Your contacts in Avignon (pro only)

Marion Souliman
06 25 90 33 06 / diffusion@compagniebabel.com


17:45 > 18:45

16 > 25.07

Break on 19.07

Intra-Muros Route /

From 13 years

Full price: 18.5 €
Off rate: 13 €
Pro rate: 8 €

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