Pavlo Dorohoi

Pavlo Dorohoi

The From Inside exhibition project presents the work of four Ukrainian photographers – Alexander Chekmenev, Pavlo Dorohoi, Igor Efimov and Daria Svertilova – as part of the Pavilion of the Future Ukraine 2024. To be discovered at Petit Paradis, Hôtel de Ville d’Avignon and the Manufacture garden. Free admission.

Ukrainian photographer Pavlo Dorohoi exhibits a series entitled “The subway as shelter” at Hôtel de Ville d’Avignon.

Pavlo Dorohoi, born in Kharkiv, specializes in documentary and archive photography. Today, he works mainly as a volunteer, but continues to document life in the city during the war.

This series shows life in one of Kharkiv’s metro stations, where thousands of residents hide out during air raids. According to Pavel, a single station can house up to 500 people at night: volunteers prepare food and, when they’re not sleeping, people try to take a few moments for themselves. Pavel lived in the metro with his wife, a station employee, and their two children.

The exhibitions :
* Petit Paradis, 23 rue des Lices

04 > 21 July,
Wednesday to Sunday, 11h > 13h – 15h > 20h

« Temporary homes » and « Irreversibly Altered » by Daria Svertilova

« Selected images » and « Face of memory » by Igor Efimov

* Garden of La Manufacture, 2 rue des Écoles

04 > 21 juillet (break on 10 & 17.07)

Monday to Sunday, 9h30 > 23h

« Citizens of Kyiv » by Alexander Chekmenev

* Hall of the Hôtel de Ville, Place de l’Horloge
08 > 21 July, Monday to Saturday, 8h00 > 18h00

« The subway as shelter » by Pavlo Dorohoi

The exhibitions are organized in partnership with La Manufacture, Petit Paradis, Odesa Photo Days, Hangar-Brussels, Hôtel de ville d’Avignon.

© Pavlo Dorohoi

Your contacts in Avignon (pro only)

Alexandra de Laminne
06 73 85 13 03 /


De 08:30 à 16:30

08 > 21 July

Hors les murs /

Free admission
Hôtel de Ville d'Avignon, Place de l'Horloge
Monday > Friday, 8h30 > 16h30

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