Misto Marii: The Siege Diaries

Vidlik Projects, Kyiv, Ukraine

Misto Marii: The Siege Diaries

Yevheniia Vidishcheva

A documentary performance based on diary entries and fragments of interviews with two sisters from Mariupol.

A documentary performance based on diary entries and fragments of interviews with two sisters from Mariupol. Through the sisters’s words, performers, along with musicians and VJ, create a multi-disciplinary documentary musical performance, grappling with the collective trauma of war.

More than a story of survival, Anna and Anastasiia’s narrative aims to reclaim Ukrainian voices and stories. Misto Marii seeks to spark sincere discussion worldwide about the war in Europe’s heart and solidarity needed to overcome tyranny.

The performance is presented in La Manufacture in cooperation with Ukrainian Institute and the support of the Institut Francais Paris and Institut Francais Kyiv,  as a part of the Pavillon du Futur Ukraine 2024.


Company presentation

Vidlik projects is a team working on artistic projects, meanings, and contexts. The creative group employs a collaborative working format – co-creation. During rehearsals, artists reflected on war, losses, shared their own pains, fears, traumas, and dreams, delving deeper from one rehearsal to another. Thanks to this, from the inception of the idea to the premiere, the performance evolved and transformed, ultimately becoming a distinct living organism, a conglomerate of feelings and reflections involving both the characters and the entire artistic group.

Yevheniia Vidishcheva - Director and Set Design

Yevheniia Vidishcheva is a director of theatrical and musical projects that create a space for reflection. She is also a producer of artistic projects and a co-founder of Vidlik projects. Working on documentary projects with social and political themes, her recent focus has been on war and its consequences. Among her projects are documentary plays like "Landscapes", "Safe Space", "Go", "Disco in Avdiivka", "Is Kyiv mine?" the documentary musical project "Contour" and documentary-musical performances within the "Cabaret on the Border" series and Andrii Barmalii's performances: I, II, III, 0, 9.

Andrii Bondarenko - Dramaturg

Andrii Bondarenko is a playwright and founder of the Theatre of Playwrights, working with social and political themes, combining subtle psychological nuances. His plays have been staged in various theaters in Ukraine and abroad, including texts such as "Survivorʼs Syndrome", "Peace and tranquility", "Asshole", "Elusive Land", "Desafinado", "A fox as dark as bright night."

Nadiia Golubtsova and Marusia Ionova (Mariia&Magdalyna) - Voices

Nadiia Golubtsova and Marusia Ionova (Mariia&Magdalyna) are artists working in theatrical-musical form, exploring Ukrainian literature and providing modern contexts and new sounds through collaboration with various musicians. Among their projects are musical performances like "Human?", "Sun nation", "Safe Space", and "Landscapes."

Andrii Barmalii - Saxophonist

Andrii Barmalii is a saxophonist, performer, electronic producer, and composer. The experience of the COVID-19 pandemic inspired him to actively create music, and the full-scale Russian war in Ukraine pushed him to reject social isolation and start a solo project. Andrii reflects on personal and social crises, transforming feelings into musical and physical performances. Among his realized artistic acts are the performance series: 0, I, II, III, IX in different cities, "Kyiv noise market", and theatrical projects "Safe Space" and "Cabaret on the Border."

Oleksandr Yavdyk - Drummer

Oleksandr Yavdyk is an artist and drummer with 13 years of experience. His years of practice and a refined sense of the world allow him to improvise and create voluminous sounds in various musical and theatrical projects, including "Tonka", "Andrii Barmalii x Oleksandr Yavdyk", "Safe Space", "III" and "Kyiv noise market".

Andrii Sokolov (Walakos) - Electronic musician

Andrii Sokolov (Walakos) is an artist, electronic musician, and composer. His main genres include fusion of breakbeat, IDM, and predominantly dark, lyrical styles. When creating music, Andrii works with dramaturgy and contexts. Among his projects are the solo project Walakos, warnyakannya, and "Safe Space".

Pavlo Sirko - VJ

Pavlo Sirko is an artist and VJ. The overarching idea and goal of his artistic works are to see and touch the unreal in real life, mixing media, various devices, and technological solutions. A resident of the artistic formation Photinus studio, he participates in musical and theatrical projects such as Kurs Valut, Dakhtrio, and "Safe Space."

NASHi.etc - distribution partner

NASHi.etc – stands for Nashi Experimental Theatre Club. The community is aimed to uplift emerging theatre artists in Ukraine to create new and innovative performing arts for a global audience. NASHi.etc, from Kyiv to the World. NASHi.etc aims to become a driving force shaping the Ukrainian creative landscape. 

© Vidlik projects

18:00 > 20:10shuttle ride included

From July 13 to July 21

Relâche le 17.07

Patinoire Route /

Show 18:25 > 19:45

Tarif Plein : 22,50€ 
Tarif Off : 16€ 
Tarif Pro : 10€

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