Life Is Not A Picnic – à la carte
David Bursztein, Georges Lavaudant
For this creation 2024, the collective has chosen to invite several directors to take pieces from its repertoire and personalise them according to their own universe. They will have at their disposal a set designer, all the technical equipment, and artists from the collective (musicians, singers, circus artists, actors). Among them Georges LAVAUDANT, Claire DANCOISNE, Patrick PINEAU, Sylvie ORCIER…
A cosmolyglot theatrical-musical evening to soar, dream, marvel, eat and drink, ending with our festive afters under the stars by the river to the sound of our Franco-Colombian orchestra.
Le Kiosque- Orchestre Cosmolyglotte
Company presentation
Life is Not a Picnic is a brassy orchestra with 25 years of gleanings under its belt. It has filled its bag with a multitude of universes, taking the audience on a journey from one emotion to another, in a mix of Latino-Klezmer, Oriental-swing, Neapolitan-jazz...
The repertoire is both demanding and accessible.
Each tour and each journey are opportunities for occasional collaboration, enriching the collective, inviting artists from all walks of life, choirs, brass bands... with whom the show is reinvented each evening, to create unique moments.
Georges LAVAUDANT - Direction
Georges Lavaudant is a French playwright, actor and theatre director, born in Grenoble on 18 February 1947.
In the mid-1960s, he helped found the theatre company at Grenoble's Lycée Emmanuel-Mounier.
In 1968, he joined the Théâtre Partisan troupe, then went on to co-direct the Centre dramatique national des Alpes from 1976, and the Maison de la Culture de Grenoble in 1981.
In 1986, he succeeded Patrice Chéreau at the Théâtre national populaire in Villeurbanne, working alongside Roger Planchon until 1996. He was then appointed director of the Théâtre de l'Odéon-Théâtre de l'Europe in March 1996, succeeding Giorgio Strehler and Lluís Pasqual (es). He was reappointed twice.
David BURSZTEIN - Writing, Direction
With a background in theatre and film ("La belle Noiseuse" - Rivette, "Richard III" - Lavaudant, Comédie Française - Antoine Vitez, Cosmos Kolej - Vlad Znorko...) With Life Is Not A Picnic, David Bursztein sees each song as a show in itself, a slice of life, a new planet to discover.
Claire DANCOISNE - Overlook
Claire Dancoisne is the founder of La Licorne and has directed many of the company's productions.
She is also an actress and has adapted several plays for the company, including Voltaire, Gustave Flaubert, Aristophanes, Shakespeare, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Matéï Visniec.
Sylvie ORCIER - Overlook
Sylvie Orcier trained as an actress at the Cours Florent and the Conservatoire National Supérieur d'Art Dramatique in Paris.
She began her career at the end of the 1970s in theatre, film and television. Georges Lavaudant hired her in 1989, and in 1996 she joined the troupe at the Théâtre de l'Odéon.
Sylvie Orcier is an actress, set designer and costume designer, as well as a director. She has been a member of Patrick Pineau's troupe since its creation in 2002. A close collaborator of Pineau's as assistant director, she played her first full directorial role in Le Petit Chaperon Uf.
For her second production, Vols en piqué dans la salle, she paid tribute to the famous German cabaret artist Karl Valentin.
Patrick PINEAU - Overlook
Patrick Pineau began directing in 1992. He staged Conversations sur la montagne by Eugène Durif at the Théâtre Ouvert, then Les Barbares by Maxime Gorki at the Odéon, and Peer Gynt by Henrik Ibsen in 2004, also in the Cour d'honneur of the Palais des papes at the Avignon Festival.
From 2007 to 2010, he directed a number of plays at MC93 Bobigny: Une demande en mariage, Tragédien malgré lui, L'Ours and Les Trois Soeurs by Anton Chekhov, and La Noce by Bertolt Brecht.
In 2011, for the 65th anniversary of the Festival d'Avignon, Patrick Pineau staged Le Suicidé by Nikolaï Erdman in the Carrière de Boulbon. The actor, who rarely appears in his own productions, plays the lead role after Éric Elmosnino's defection, with Anne Alvaro as his partner.
From 2011 to 2016, Patrick Pineau was associate artist at the Grand T in Nantes and then at the Théâtre-Sénart, where his work included William Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale and The Mandate, Nikolai Erdman's first play, a satire of Russian power that was banned in 1930.
Elisabeth ERNOULT - Assistant director
Elisabeth Ernoult, actress, has developed a rich and varied career in the world of theatre. Trained at the Conservatoire d'Art Dramatique, she deepened her skills through training courses centred on the Stanislavski century, refining her technique and approach to acting.
She was a member of the Cosmos Kolej company, directed by Wladislav Znorko, where she took part in singular and immersive creations, reinforcing her commitment to experimental and innovative theatre. Building on this experience, Elisabeth founded her own company, embarking on directing and exploring new forms of theatrical expression.
Co-production le Printemps des Comédiens
Avec le soutien de
Conseil Départemental de l’Isère
CNM Centre national de la Musique
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POTY Frédéric
06 64 86 52 01 / frederic.poty@urup2.eu