Jeanne et le orange et le désordre

La PaC – La Parole au Centre

Jeanne et le orange et le désordre

Louise Emö

What happens when even the language has not planned you? Are you still a mother when there is no child left, are you still a woman if you fail as a mother? Because I was his mother, I had to know everything: why are leaves green, why are they sometimes red, and sometimes dead. But most of all, why do things don’t taste the same as their color: what does orange taste like?

Do we still have an identity when we no longer have a definition?


By and with Louise Emö
Lights, dramaturgy Clément Longueville

Production La ParoleAuCentre (La PAC)
Supports MC93 Maison de la culture de Bobigny, Le Quai
- CDN Angers, Théâtre Ouvert Centre national
des dramaturgies contemporaines, Grand Parquet – Théâtre Paris-Villette, La Semaine du son – Bruxelles, Festival ProPulse, Centre culturel Jacques Franck – Bruxelles, Labo Victor – Rouen, L’Étincelle Théâtre de la Ville de Rouen, Festival Art et Déchirure

Your contacts in Avignon (pro only)

Solange Thomas
06 59 33 38 73 /


19:30 > 20:30

07 > 25.07

(odd days) Break on 19.07

Intra-Muros Route /

Full price: 18.5 €
Off rate: 13 €
Pro rate: 8 €

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