
Le Groupe Chiendent


Nadège Cathelineau, Julien Frégé

He and she. A couple, a duo, a team. Together in life, together in the theater. On stage, they play separation, publicly endanger what they hold most precious: the love of the other. The game speeds up, the rules escape them, fiction and reality merge. In a setting that is also falling apart, their psychic balance is undermined. He and She, wandering, anxious, astonished, amused, experience danger.

A dangerous game...


With Nadège Cathelineau, Julien Frégé, Sébastien Lejeune (Loya)
Directed by Nadège Cathelineau, Julien Frégé
Scenography Elizabeth Saint-Jalmes
Light creation Cyril Leclerc
Musical creation Sébastien Lejeune (Loya)
Stage manager and general Jérôme hardouin
Lighting manager Marie Roussel


Production CDN Normandie- Rouen
Coproduction Le Groupe Chiendent, Tangram-Scène Nationale D’Évreux-Louviers, La Maison Maria Casarès, la Mairie de Bayeux, le Théâtre du Préau, Centre Dramatique National de Normandie- Vire, avec la collaboration de L’Odia Normandie et de L’Étincelle à Rouen.
Thansk to à la Ville de Rouen et au département de la Seine Maritime

Your contacts in Avignon (pro only)

Julien Fradet
06 95 33 03 76 /


17:55 > 19:55shuttle ride included

06 > 25.07

Breaks on 12 & 19.07

Patinoire Route /

From 14 years

Full price: 20.5 €
Off rate: 14 €
Pro rate: 9 €

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