

Sébastien Barrier

« Why do we always have to explain the thingummy ?
Wrecking, revealing the surprise, provoking a mood killer ?
Kids, you’re not stupid. If your parents don’t get it, spell it out.
To make you want to come, let’s say that Gus is a wobbly cat, not a cool one, a little bit dotty, shaky, at a push dangerous, sometimes slightly dumb.
But if we spend time with Gus, if we learn to know him a little bit, without finding him excuses, we end up understanding how did he became shady. We even think that he could change.
One of these days, if he learns to love himself, maybe we could learn to love him too. Let’s see… »

Sébastien Barrier

This musical and graphical tale is nicely zany. It could have been intended for children, but we don’t need to ask our niece or cousin to come with us. We don’t need any excuses, come as you are, grown up people !

Sébastien Barrier - Actor, author and stage director

Sébastien Barrier is the son of social workers from Sarthe.
This only partly explains his pathological and jubilant relationship with speech, which he has suffered and worked on since he was very young.
After aborted studies in the faculty of literature, he studied circus arts in Toulouse and began long experiences in companies, including the Phun and the GdRA.
For ten years, he walks his character Ronan Tablantec, alter ego sailor-fisherman Douarneniste, fond of urgently documented speech. In 2013, he created Savoir enfin qui nous buvons, a 6-hour conference where natural wines and portraits of seven Loire winemakers are honored.
In 2014, he created Chunky Charcoal, a graphic and musical project, between pagan mass and ode to loss, alongside Benoît Bonnemaison-Fitte and Nicolas Lafourest.
In 2017, he paints the portrait of GUS, an associable, borderline and dangerous cat. These adventures of the feline are shared more than 200 times with young audiences.
Recently, the artist created Ceux qui vont mieux : a theatre-ritual borrowing from the codes of a mass, where five of his heroes are elevated to the rank of Saints.
Sébastien Barrier has been an associate artist of the Grand T theatre since January 2015.


Writing and performance  Sébastien Barrier
Music Sébastien Barrier and Nicolas Lafourest 
Light Jérémie Cusenier
Control room Alice Gill-Khan or Elodie Rudelle
Sound Jerôme Teurtrie 
Drawing Benoît Bonnemaison-Fitte
Acknowledgements Catherine Blondeau et Chloé Gazave



Production Sébastien Barrier
Executive production Le Bureau des Paroles / CPPC
Coproductions and supports Le Grand T, Théâtre de Loire Atlantique – Nantes ; La Colline, Théâtre National – Paris ; Malraux, Scène Nationale – Chambéry ; Théâtre L’Aire Libre – Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande ; Le Channel, Scène nationale – Calais
With the financial support of the SPEDIDAM and Brittany region

In the press

Unloved melancholic, short-sighted and tyrannical, clever and twisted, this tomcat is also antisocial. Under this animal mask, Barrier refers to fragile children who have a difficult start in life, but who still have who still have a glimmer of hope. It is smart, sensitive and funny.

Télérama, Emmanuelle Bouchez

The pavement drummer knows how to entice the audience like no other. The children open their eyes and ears wide. Funny guy, talking without taking a breath, surrounded by black balloons that he bursts with his boots. Meanwhile, Little Brown Bear is going to school.

Le Figaro, Etienne Sorin

In this first show for young audiences, the use of an animal loved by almost everyone allows Sébastien Barrier to address children without giving up any of his satirical verve and inventiveness, more galloping than his four-legged hero.

La Terrasse, Anaïs Héluin

© Caroline Ablain

Your contacts in Avignon (pro only)

Benoît Duchemin
+33 (0)6 30 53 32 89 /


11:35 > 13:15shuttle ride included

10 > 16.07

Break 13.07

Château de Saint-Chamand Route /

From 9 years old

Full price: 20,50€
Off rate: 14€
Pro rate: 9€

Book a ticket


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