Entrer dans la couleur

Alain Damasio, Yan Péchin

Entrer dans la couleur

Entrer dans la couleur is a worn rock-fiction concert by an extraordinary duo. Over the pieces, they weave the weft from this revival to the living that Alain Damasio calls and that Yan Péchin operates. Stories, slams or manifestos, both push us to come out of our resignations to enter with them in the color.

Rock-fiction concert carried by an extraordinary duo where the chiseled texts of the “Furtifs” cross like a blade the stakes of our time.


Texts & voice Alain Damasio
Guitars Yan Péchin 
Lighting / video manager Fethi Tounsi
Sound manager Cécile Voltaire
Video creation Alexandre Machefel
Directed by David Gauchard


Production Ulysse Maison d’Artistes
Supports / Residencies Rocher de Palmer (Cenon), Théâtre de L’Aire-Libre (St Jacques de la Lande), Cie L’Unijambiste et le CNM

© Benjamin Béchet

Your contacts in Avignon (pro only)

Sylvain Lacombe (chargé de diffusion)
06 81 17 08 81 / sylvain@ulysse.coop


23:00 > 00:25

14 > 16.07

Intra-Muros Route /

From 12 years

Full price: 20.5 €
Off rate: 14 €
Pro rate: 10 €

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