
Ivan Franko National Drama Theatre, Kyiv, Ukraine


Ivan Uryvskyi

Set against the backdrop of war, Caligula offers a modern interpretation of the tyrannical Roman emperor, resonating with Ukraine’s struggle for independence. Through stunning set design, the play delves into the themes of power and morality, illustrating the timeless theme of dictatorship and tyranny. Caligula’s reign is a metaphorical prison, reflecting the pervasive surveillance and control characteristic of totalitarian regimes. Echoing the Orwellian themes, the production explores the manipulation of truth and the erosion of individual freedoms.

The performance is presented in La Manufacture in cooperation with Ukrainian Institute and the support of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation within the framework «European Renaissance of Ukraine» project as a part of the Pavillon du Futur Ukraine 2024.

La tyrannie et la dictature n'ont ni temps ni espace.

Company presentation

The Ivan Franko National Academic Drama Theatre, a revered cultural hub in Ukraine with a 100 years history, is celebrated for its exquisite performances and deep devotion to the performing arts. Despite the tumult of full-scale war initiated by Russia in 2022, the theater remains steadfast, unveiling captivating new productions to enthusiastic audiences each evening. Its enduring dedication to the art form shines brightly, a testament to resilience amidst adversity.

Albert Camus - Auteur

Ivan Uryvskyi - Director, musical concept

Ukrainian theater director.
Since 2020 is employed as a director at the Ivan Franko National Theatre in Kyiv, before that - chief director of the Vasyl Vasylko Odessa Ukrainian Music and Drama Theatre.
Awards and honours:
Les Kurbas state prize (2019)
Honored Artist of Ukraine (2020)

Ivan Franko National Theatre -
2023 "The Witch of Konotop" by Hryhorii Kvitka-Osnovianenko
2022 «Caligula» by Albert Camus
2021 «The Fortuneless Maiden» by Ivan Karpenko-Kary
2021 «Peer Gynt» by Henrik Ibsen
2021 « A Streetcar Named Desire» by Tennessee Williams
2020 «Lymerivna» by Panas Myrny
Vasyl Vasylko Odessa Ukrainian Music and Drama Theatre -
2019 «Le Cocu magnifique» by Fernand Crommelynck
2018 «Marriage» by Nikolai Gogol
2017 «Princess Turandot» by Carlo Gozzi
2015 «Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors» by Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky

Petro Bogomazov - Set Designer

Tetiana Ovsiichuk - Costume Designer

Oleksandr Kryshtal, Pavlo Natalushko - Sound

Andryi Kononenko, Olena Antohina - Lights

Vitalii Azhnov - Caligula

Oleksandr Rudynskyi - Caligula

Tetiana Mikhina - Caesonia

Liudmyla Smorodina - Helikon

Akmal Huriezov - Scipio

Roman Yasinovskyi - Kereya


Production Ivan Franko National Academic Drama Theatre

In the press

“Petro Bogomazov's successful set design was able to convey the full meaning of tyranny and dictatorship, because despite the time in which Caligula ruled, tyranny and dictatorship have no time and space. And this is exactly what Ivan Uryvskyi's production proves," - Nataliya Bolgarova, YABL.UA

"When the war broke out, I had great doubts about whether I should continue with the play. But then I thought that one of the lines in the play was evil. We know that the brutal dictator Caligula was killed after only four years in power. And as history shows, evil must be nipped in the bud to prevent it from germinating.". Interview with Ivan Uryv

© Julia Weber

18:00 > 20:10shuttle ride included

From July 5 to July 11

Break on 10

Patinoire Route /

18:25 > 19:45
Event not recommended under 16 years old

Tarif Plein : 22,50€ 
Tarif Off : 16€ 
Tarif Pro : 10€

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