Bingo ! Un loto musical

La Familia

Bingo ! Un loto musical


The TMH (Trio Musica Humana) is the worthy heir of the famous Ensemble Clément Janequin. For the past 12 years, they have been exploring with rare intensity the repertoire of Renaissance music for three voices, bringing these works back to life with a demanding, passionate and humorous interpretation. With “Bingo! A musical lotto”, their new show directed by Corinne Benizio of the duo Shirley & Dino, the TMH explores other musical genres, from operetta to Starmania, passing by Claude François, Boby Lapointe or Purcell, without forgetting the fundamentals of the Renaissance, in the context of a true lotto with a shifted, burlesque and totally uncomplicated tone. It’s a show, of course, but also and above all a popular game that could make you the big winner of Bingo … Come try your luck!

It's a show, of course, but also and above all a popular game that could make you the big winner of Bingo ... Come try your luck!

Company presentation

La Familia accompanies Alexis HK, Babx, Birds on a Wire, Bis Repetita, Chloé Lacan, Estelle Meyer, the TMH, Lior Shoov, L'Ultra Bal, Marie Perbost, Pharaon de Winter & Tempo Tempo! (Fixi & Nicolas Giraud). La Familia's trademark is the development of elegant and racy hybrid projects and shows, where song meets stand up, video, theatre, jazz, afrobeat, improvisation, pop and lyrical art.

Igor Bouin - Baritone

Igor Bouin began his training as a singer at a very young age, with the Charles Brown Choir in Boulogne sur Mer. After studying singing and trombone at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Lille, he joined in 2008 the professional training of the adult choir of Notre Dame de Paris, whose cathedral has burned in the meantime. In 2011, he enters the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris, the world capital of France, in the class of Yves Sotin, and leaves happy and surprised because he graduated with a Unanimously.

Martial Pauliat - Tenor

Martial Pauliat began his training as a singer at a very young age, in the manécanterie des Petits Chanteurs Limousins. Difference between Limousin and Limougeaud. At the age of 16, his motivation led him to leave his hometown to go to Paris, the world capital of France, where he joined the Maîtrise de Notre-Dame, whose cathedral had burned down in the meantime. He then participated in prestigious masterclasses (Margreet Hönig, Udo Reinemann, Alain Buet) and studied with Yves Sotin, Marguerite Modier and Sylvain Dieudonné. In 2012 he won the prize of the Academy of singing of Saint-Jean de Luz.

Yann Rolland - Counter-tenor

Yann Rolland began his training at a very young age, with the Maîtrise de Radio-France, from 1992 to 1994, then with the Maîtrise de Paris, the world capital of France, and took a break from music until he finished his master's degree in sociology at the Sorbonne. In 2006 he resumed his singing studies by following the professional training of the Maîtrise de Notre Dame de Paris, whose cathedral had burned down in the meantime, and then by following the teaching of the early music department of the Conservatoire à Rayonnement régional de Paris, which explains why he only holds a B permit.


Baritone Igor Bouin
Tenor Martial Pauliat
Countertenor Yann Rolland 

Director Corinne Benizio
Costumes Estelle Boul
Scenography, lighting design and engineer François-Xavier Guinnepain 
Sound design and engineer, stage management Thibaut Lescure 

Thanks to Gilles Benizio, Justine Lebas and Jérémie Arcache

Music and songs Guillaume de Machaut / Boby Lapointe / Claude François / Henry Purcell / Dominique Desmons, Etc.



Production La Familia
Coproduction Château d’Hardelot-Département du Pas-de-Calais / Cité de la Voix-Vézelay / Ferme de Villefavard en Limousin
Support of CNM

In the press

A real lotto game, in which the audience participates and which combines theatre, music and humour.

France Musique

If the three singers have already shown their mastery of the vocal repertoire, by their ability to vary their voice tones, to sing a cappella with seriousness and by offering relevant musical intentions, they also prove their talents as actors, and sometimes even as dancers.


In all my reign, I have never seen artists capable of lifting the crowd with such grace.

Elizabeth II (THE QUEEN)

The three singers of the Musica Humana Trio carried us away in a delirious lyrical whirlwind during almost two hours of concert, which flew by like a flash, so much we laughed and went from digressions to surprises

Classique mais pas has been

Proximity with the public, repertoires which can go in all the directions, taste of the play, the adventure and the "transverse" spectacles, pleasure of the improvisation and rigour in the work...


Your contacts in Avignon (pro only)

Clio Garcia
06 07 76 62 18 /


23:00 > 00:30

07 > 12.07

Intra-Muros Route /

From 7 years old

Full price: 18,50€
Off rate: 13€
Pro rate: 8€

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