Dérézo Company
Charlie Windelschmidt, Anne-Sophie Erhel and Véronique Héliès
The show Apérotomanie is a hybrid form of aperitif and theatre, immerses us in a singular ritual, that of a possible opening towards the erotic.
After “The Breakfast“, Dérézo creates Apérotomanie which gathers forty guests around a large wooden counter. In the center, two actresses serve us “amuse-bouches” with two rare and forgotten wines, all based on a meticulous selection of literary texts.
Here is a precise device that forces us to take a delightful stroll through the language, through fierce writings carried, between chat and theatre, by two virtuoso performers.
Not exactly a real meal, but a real invite to read between the lines!
Company presentation
Anchored in Brest since May 2000, the Company Dérézo, polysemous theatre adept, offers performances that go beyond frames, wether indoors or outdoors. It affirms the necessity of inventing a critical approach to our age, never leaving behind its will to party and civic sense. In the heart of the city, Dérézo welcomes the testimonies, the fantasies and the worries of its inhabitants ; and it can reafirm them, re-enchant the fact that being together is work, responsability, and a weapon.
Director Charlie Windelschmidt
Actresses Anne-Sophie Erhel and Véronique Héliès
Costumer Youna Vignault
Production compagnie Dérézo
Partner L’Archipel, pôle d’action culturelle de Fouesnant les Glénan (29), Le Manège, scène nationale de Maubeuge (59), Le Théâtre Ligeria, Sainte-Luce-sur-Loire (44), L’ABC, scène pluridisciplinaire de Dijon (21)
Wines Domaine de l’Arpette
In the press
© Roland Sourau
Your contacts in Avignon (pro only)
Louise Vignault
06 20 26 28 34 / louisev@derezo.com
17:00 > 17:55
19:00 > 19:55
07 > 24.07
Rest 12 & 19.07
From 16 years old
Tarif Plein : 9€
Tarif Off : 6€
Tarif Pro : 6€